Vochol® es un proyecto de la Asociacion de Amigos del Map, A.C, esta nace como una iniciativa para promover, exhibir y apoyar el Arte Popular Mexicano. Vochol® is a project of the Friends Association of the Museo de Arte Popular, it was created as an initiative to promote, showcase and support the Mexican Folk Art AAMAP/Museo de Arte Popular, Revillagigedo esq. Independencia, Col. Centro Historico de la Ciudad de Mexico. facebook.com/amigodelmap Agradecemos el patrocinio de Zurich
Twitter: http://twitter.com/vochol Contacto/Contact: amigosdelmap@gmail.com Vochol® es el primer arte-objeto huichol sobre ruedas del mundo. Es un hecho sin precedente e irrepetible en la historia del arte popular, que enaltece de manera espectacular la riqueza cultural y artística de México. Vochol ® is the first objet d´art of Huichol art on wheels in the world . It is an unprecedented and unique in the history of popular art, which dramatically enhances the cultural and artistic wealth of Mexico. Asociacion de Amigos del MAP, A.C.www.amigosmap.org.mx/ Museo de Arte Popular http://www.map.df.gob.mx/ VOCHOL http://www.vochol.org.mx/
sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012
El Vochol® ya esta en Alemania
En un evento sin precedentes, en donde el arte huichol viaja sobre ruedas por Europa, el Vochol® llega a Wolfsburg, Alemania; al Autostadt... Mas informacion en http://www.amigosmap.org.mx/
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martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012
La inauguracion del Vochol® en Alemania
Vochol at the “Autostadt”, Germany
I would like to begin by thanking the “AUTOSTADT” and especially Mr. Lino Santacruz; because without them we wouldn’t have the wonderful opportunity to be here.
I would like to tell you a short story about how this work of art was born. We call it “Vochol”. This name joins the German word Volkswagen and the Mexican word “Huichol”. The Huicholare the indigenous group that uses this bead art to decorate wooden animals and other sacred figures that they consecrate and call gods. The Huicholinclude color in every aspect of their lives, including their textiles, hats, handcrafts, furniture.
Several months ago, Marie Thérèse Hermand de Arango, our founder and chairwoman, attended an auction in Miami. She witnessed the auctioning of an automobile covered with mirrors. She returned to Mexico inspired by this novel piece and determined to create a similar contemporary work or art with Mexico’s artisans.
Much thought went into the project but, in the end, we decided to enlist the Huichol as artists. The choice of VW “Beetle” (nicknamed “vocho”in México), as canvas was more obvious. It is Mexico’s most popular end emblematic car. . The Huichol would transform it using their bead craft.
Our adventure began after many trips to the Mexican state of Jalisco. VOCHOL® started to take shape in May 2010. As custom dictated, we had to begin with a traditional Huichol ceremony conducted by the artists and creators from both Jalisco and Nayarit states. Then, the real work began. The artists dedicated more than 4600 hours to this work. They placed more than 90 kilos or over two and a quarter million of glass beads and 14 kilos of locally produced, resin-based glue on the chassis of the car. The artists also used yarn, paint and other local materials.
After nearly six month of continuous labor and inspirational creativity we were presented with the result– an exceptional representation of Mexican popular art on wheels and a unique work of art that conveys the sensibility of a culture, sees life through polychromatic crystal, and is capable of merging real and imaginary worlds.
“Vochol” was born on December 9, 2010 and was presented to the world at the Museo de Arte Popular (MAP) in Mexico City. This is where the dream began its journey.
“Vochol” has traveled from Guadalajara, in the state of Jalisco to Tepic,in the state of Nayarit and finally to Mexico City. It has also been in several other Mexican cities.
As part of its world tour, “Vochol” toured San Diego, California, Washington DC, Denver Colorado and Houston, Texas. In October, “Vochol” was inaugurated at Quai Branly in Paris.
It is only fitting that this fusion of Mexican craft with German technology finds its placer here at the“Autostadt”. We can all appreciate the unification of cultures and cosmovisions. The hands of the people of Mexico, the Huichol, have decorated Volkswagen’s car of the people.
In Mexico, Carlos Fuentes, always said that “the hands of the artisans” are the hands of the people and thus are the hands of GOD.”
When we see this “Huichol”decorated Volkswagen, we cannot but think that it was touched by the hands of GOD.
The story does not end here. We wonder, “where will Vochol® end its journey?”
Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Damian Hirst, have all used commercial media in their artistic proposals (BMW parts, Citroen, Ferrari, and more). Immensely creative minds have achieved artworks using common objects that have drifted from their daily and industrial use to become museum pieces.
For many years, the Vocho was only assembled Mexico where it was last manufactured.
We do not know if our Vocho will end up in a museum or a private collection. We do know that it will be admired.
Thank you very much.
*Palabras de la Sra. Cecilia Barbará de Moctezuma, ex presidenta de la Asociacion de Amigos del MAP, AC, en la inauguración del Vochol en el Autostadt en Wolfsburg, Alemania
Agradecemos el patrocino de:
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012
jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012
Reportaje de Telvisa
El 'vochol' llega a París
Por Kasia Wyderko | Fuente: Noticieros Televisa | 2012-10-02
Por Kasia Wyderko | Fuente: Noticieros Televisa | 2012-10-02
domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012
domingo, 17 de junio de 2012
The Vochol in Denver
Vochol Arrives in Denver*
By Leonel Goebel
"Vochol® is more than an art object. It’s a vehicle for ideas, a symbol of cultures, an embodiment of beliefs, and a teller of stories past and present."
martes, 29 de mayo de 2012
viernes, 27 de abril de 2012
The Vochol® on its way to Denver, Colorado...
The Consulate General of Mexico and the Mexican Cultural Center are proud to present
the Vochol® . This is a very exciting and one of a kind piece of art that will
be coming to Denver this summer.
This will be a ground breaking, history
making exhibit to the Denver International Airport (DIA). The art on wheels
will be park at Denver International Airport from May 21st to August 31, 2012.
The Vochol® is a Volkswagen Beetle that has been covered with the
traditional beadwork from the Huichol (Waxaritari), an indigenous
group from Mexico. It is covered in 2,277,000 glass beads applied by 8 artisans
from two Huichol families. The artists devoted thousands
of hours of their time transferring their inspiration to a magical and colorful
design embedded on this Volkswagen. Huichol artists
used the Volkswagen as the “vehicle” to express and share not just their
artistic skills, but also share their history, mythology, and their culture
with the world.
The Consulate General of Mexico and the Mexican Cultural Center in collaboration with
Denver Public Schools has developed a strategy to involve Denver’s students and
teachers in creating art work that resembles the Vochol® in its symbolic
representation. This is an opportunity for Students to express their artistic
creativity, where the Vochol will be used as their main “Vehicle of
inspiration,” creativity and representation. The Huichol artists used the
Volkswagen beetle as their main canvas of work and as their “vehicle” to
express and share not just their artistic skills, but also to share their
history, mythology, and their cultural symbolism. In the same way, students
will be able to share their art and make symbolic connections with the
thousands of people who travel through DIA every day.
The opening will take place on May 21st,
2012 at 1:00pm at DIA’s main Terminal. This is just a reminder to save the
date to come join us in an opportunity to experience what this amazing piece of
art has inspired our DPS students to create. We hope you can come out and
become part of this amazing story. We will be sending you the formal invitation soon.
Vochol® ; Student artwork program in Denver
Call for Participation to All DPS Arts Students
Let’s welcome
Vochol® to Denver by showcasing the ingenuity of DPS arts students!
The concept of Vochol® – Huichol Art on Wheels was developed
by personnel at the Museo de Arte Popular. This was after they saw a series
of other cars with the same concept, yet different materials.
Vochol® is the Culmination of:
9,408 hours
- 2000,000 glass seed beads - 35
lbs of special resin, fabric, pain, and yarn
- the Creative inspiration of two Wixarika
(Huichol) families from West Central Mexico.
DPS Student artwork will also be displayed during this time at D.I.A.
Student field
trip, Unveiling Ceremony to D.I.A.,
tentative dates are May 22 or 23 (buses provided)
- Connected to the theme (but not replicate) VOCHOL®
– Artistic Idea as the Vehicle
- Student collaboration, expanded use of
the imagination, unique ideas
- Creative surface for your canvas and
material choice – No Flat Surfaces
- Can be connected to Mythology,
History, Cultural, or Create your
own story
- All arts disciplines are encouraged to
- Material fees are available if
needed - let me know
- Student artwork will be displayed at
D.I.A. during the VOCHOL® exhibit
- Submitted work completed by May 15 /
images of work submitted to Arts Dept.
- Student field trip Unveiling Ceremony to D.I.A., tentative dates are May 22 or
23 (buses provided)
- RSVP to Capucine-chapman@dpsk12.org
and for additional information.
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012
lunes, 16 de abril de 2012
Presentacion del Vochol® con el Chaman Wixarica/Foto AAMAP |
Vochol® representa un hecho sin precedente en la historia del arte popular en México y el mundo, en el que dos familias de artesanos huicholes de los estados de
Nayarit y Jalisco, tomaron como lienzo la estructura a tamaño real de un automóvil, para intervenirlo con un diseño exclusivo a base de chaquira.
Los artesanos huicholes iniciaron la intervención del Vochol® en mayo, de 2010, en el Hospicio Cabañas, en Guadalajara, Jalisco; para posteriormente continuar en el Centro Estatal para las Culturas Populares e Indígenas de Nayarit.

Se trata de una obra de arte inédita, en la que transbordan los sentires de una cultura que mira a través de un cristal poli-cromático, capaz de mezclar lo real con lo imaginario, enalteciendo de manera espectacular el arte popular mexicano.
Sus diseños y colorido se convierten en la oportunidad perfecta para enlazarse estrechamente con una cultura de rito, destreza y sensibilidad, dando como resultado una explosión de colorida originalidad.
N o t a i m p o r t a n t e:
A partir de 2012, Vochol® se encuentra de gira en el extranjero, con una itinerancia que inicia en Estados Unidos:San Diego.- Museo de Arte de San Diego SDMART / Enero- Marzo.
Washington.- Smtihsonian American Indian Museum / Marzo-Mayo 6.
Denver.- Aeropuerto / Junio-Agosto.
Para posteriormente viajar a:
París, Francia.- Musée du Quai Branly / Octubre-Diciembre.domingo, 1 de abril de 2012
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012
Smithonian Magazine
The Huichol people of west-central Mexico have designed the Vochol—a car turned work of art.
National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC
National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012
The Vochol on its way to Washington, D.C.
Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels March 20, 2012–May 6, 2012
NMAI on the National Mall, Washington, DC
Potomac Atrium, First Level
NMAI on the National Mall, Washington, DC
Potomac Atrium, First Level
The museum welcomes the 1990s Volkswagen Beetle named "Vochol ®," decorated by indigenous craftsmen from the Huichol (Wixaritari) communities of Nayarit and Jalisco, Mexico, using more than 2 million glass beads and fabric. This one-of-a-kind vehicle is presented in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Museo de Arte Popular and the Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City, the Embassy of Mexico and the Mexican Cultural Institute.
Photo by Alejandro Piedra Buena. Courtesy of the Museo de Arte Popular ©2010
lunes, 16 de enero de 2012
Vochol at the San Diego Museum of Art
Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels Launches Worldwide Tour in San Diego
Jan 5 2012
First-of-its kind Volkswagon Bug exhibition to connect cultures around the world
San Diego, Calif.- The San Diego Museum of Art will debut Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels’ international tour, a captivating display of more than 2,277,000 glass beads arranged on a classic Volkswagon Bug - the canvas for the exclusive cultural design. This original work of art will kick-off its international tour in San Diego on January 19 and run through March 10. A true testament to Mexican popular art, the patterns and designs displayed on the car create a bright, colorful image embodying the ethos of the Huichol culture.
The Huichol culture includes approximately 26,000 people who live primarily in the states of Jalisco, Nayarit, and Zacatecas. They have traditionally been a nomadic culture, but in recent times they have settled into more permanent residences in Western Mexico. Along with the many distinctive customs that characterize their culture is a dedication to the visual arts that is realized most often in the forms of yarn paintings or beadwork applied on select objects. The Huichol are a deeply spiritual people and much of their traditional artistic output is an extension of their faith.
Vocholcombines the traditions of the Huichol with an icon of popular culture, the Volkswagen Beetle. Within this work of art, as with many traditional Huichol works, the artists have incorporated references to animals such as deer (the most revered of all animals), peyote (used as a part of a sacred ritual), and various abstract designs.
After leaving the Museo de Arte Popular, its place of origin, Vochol will embark on an international tour starting in San Diego, moving on to several esteemed institutions worldwide such as the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C. and the Musée de Quai Branly in Paris. Vochol will ultimately be sold at auction by the Friends of el Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico Cityto support the work of Mexican artisans.
Vochol: Huichol Art on Wheels, organized by the Asociación de Amigos del Museo de Arte Popular (AAMAP) and Governments of the States of Nayarit and Jalisco, took seven months to construct and is truly an unprecedented work.
![]() |
fotografia @alexpiedrabuena |
domingo, 8 de enero de 2012
martes, 3 de enero de 2012
El Vochol se va de Mexico
El próximo 13 de enero 2012 el Vochol llegara a la ciudad de Nuevo Laredo para cruzar la frontera y dirigirse rumbo al Museo de San Diego, donde estará en exhibición, iniciando así la ruta por los Estados Unidos. El mapa señala el trayecto en México que inicio el 9 de diciembre 2010, día en que se presento en el Museo de Arte Popular de la Ciudad de Mexico. Al llegar a la frontera habara recorrido 6,505 km (4,042 mi).
Una pieza artística de esta relevancia requirió del trasporte profesional y especializado que Mudanzas Gou proporciono.
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